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What are the Advantages of FRPs?

There is no denying that fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites are changing the face of manufacturing. Currently, the global composites market size is pegged at $90.6 billion.

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5 min read

7 Benefits of Resin Additives Used In Fiberglass Pultrusion

One of pultruded fiberglass' greatest benefits is its relative simplicity, requiring just two basic ingredients to manufacture: glass fiber and polymer resin. The fibers are responsible for...

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4 min read

Deciding Between Pultruded Fiberglass and Pultruded Carbon Fiber

Pultruded fiberglass has become a common feature of the modern world, used heavily in the construction, utilities, infrastructure, and consumer goods industries.

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4 min read

Is Fiberglass Conductive? And Other Common Questions About FRP

Pultruded fiberglass has earned its place as one of the most versatile construction materials in the world. Its low cost and unique blend of advantages allows it to successfully replace...

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4 min read

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